Graffiti & Co Fine Arts, cover picture
Graffiti & Co Fine Arts Logo

Graffiti & Co Fine Arts

France - paris


Located in the heart of the Marais in Paris and surrounded by the greatest art places of the French capital, GRAFFITI & CO FINE ARTS is a gallery entirely dedicated to American Graffiti from the 70s and 80s. It notably offers works by the following artists: Futura2000, Dondi White, Crash, Daze, Lady Pink, Rammellzee, Noc 167, Bill Blast, Phase 2, Zephyr, Kenny Sharf, A-One, T-Kid, Delta2 and many more...

Created in 2021 on the initiative of Hervé Lourdel, art dealer and collector of artworks from this movement since 1989, for whom the explosion and worldwide success that Urban Art has since met deserved to have a dedicated space to show the works of artists at the origin of this phenomenon. The gallery thus aims to present traditional exhibitions as well as performances (live murals, editions of fanzines, dedications...).

Graffiti & Co Fine Arts wishes to retrace the history of Graffiti by collaborating directly with those who made it and to exhibit both major artists of the movement and the "forgotten" artists of the history, who are just as important. Open to all, the gallery wishes to reach a large public which is composed as much of informed collectors as of neophytes who want to learn more about the history of the movement.

Artists from the gallery

CrashUnited States

Lady PinkUnited States

Bill BlastUnited States

DazeUnited States

Futura 2000United States

Any question about this gallery? Please write us!