Snake, cover picture


France - toulouse


Born in Toulouse, SNAKE is a self-taught artist who has been working in graffiti since 1990 and who is now focusing his work in the studio. With more ease and intimacy, he has opened himself to the realization of a more personal work and to new researches, both aesthetically and plastically and in terms of new media.

Since his first exhibition "I Write My Name" in 2018, which was the result of several years of reflection and the opportunity for the artist to deliver his own vision of graffiti, depicting the sensitive frames of the passage from the street to the studio, the research, the solitudes and the exploits, Snake has never ceased to develop his work. Whether with his work on the letter or his figurative and conceptual research with characters.

Throughout his career, the artist has paid tribute to a culture and an art that have been part of him during his whole life, and in which he founded a true artistic and human root. As a jack-of-all-trades, he has exploited different forms of artistic expression that graffiti allowed him, while meeting and discovering other artists by traveling the world.

Since 2000, Snake has worked on multiple projects and in different forms, including major institutional collaborations, but also with architectural firms and famous brands such as Adidas, Xbox, Quicksilver, Samsung, Virgin, CGR, Orange, EDF, Eastpack or even the car brands BMW, Cadillac, Ford, Audi, Fiat, Toyota, Renault...

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