Mina Hamada, cover picture
Mina Hamada

Mina Hamada

Japan - tokyo


MINA HAMADA is a Japanese painter, whose work is characterized through abstract and organic shapes in soft, bright and warm colours. Flat and soft forms interact harmoniously balanced, while rhythm and colour provide a striking leitmotif to her work. Mina Hamada’s paintings and drawings are fresh and friendly, personal and sensitive and invite us into the artist’s unconsciousness - a dream world, combining occident and orient, young spirit and profound philosophy. The artist works self-concentrated and investigates unknown fields of painting from the unconscious and improvisation. The titles of her works, sometimes in Japanese, Spanish and English: reflect this poetic self-analysis and refer to her cross-cultural background and examination with her own identity.

Mina Hamada, born in Louisiana, USA, grows up in Tokyo, Japan, where she studies Design and Illustration at the Sokei Academy of Fine Art & Design. In Japan she has first exhibitions, presenting her paintings and handmade storybooks, which combine her own drawing and short story-poems. At the end of 2009 she moves to Barcelona, Spain. Mina Hamada grows to love the city’s urban art scene. She starts to experiment with large-scale murals. At the end of 2011 she meets Zosen, they start collaborating on joint murals, paintings, serigraphy and participate at numerous Mural Festivals and exhibitions since 2012. Mina´s work is exhibited in galleries, institutions and public spaces all over Europe, United States, Latin America and Asia.

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