France - paris
Born in 1983, KANOS is a graffiti artist originally from the suburbs of Paris. His main concern is located in the heart of the city, where codes are upset, overlap and disappear. To him, the street digests everything and takes on different appearances over time.
The artist wishes to evoke it in his painting, he mixes organic characters with mechanic and urban which for him sums up the essence of graffiti: Men & cities, living & concrete, organic & macadam. It gives a vision of our future, with machine and human melting in one new species. Since his training in fine arts and graphic design, Kanos has continued to build a universe combining codes of illustration and traditional graphic design.
Could we keep our goodness, decency and humanity through this change? Very inspired by Alfons Mucha, the swiss signage (Ruedi Baur) and Russian constructivist avant-garde (El Lissitzy), the Cyberpunk movement and transhumanism theories, he tries to describe for him the next challenges that humanity will have to face in the coming centuries.
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