Julia Forma, cover picture
Julia Forma

Julia Forma

France - toulouse


Self-taught painter and muralist, JULIA FORMA was born in Toulouse in 1985 and grew up in the Basque Country. Fascinated by the characters of Miss Van pasted on the walls of her city, Urban Art comes to her first by observation, then by the practice as well as by the meetings before graffiti artists and by her membership in a female crew. After studying sociology on gender equality and fifteen years of practice as a graphic designer, she now pays tribute to the feminine, a theme that naturally imposed itself to her.

Multi-media and multi-techniques, Julia Forma goes from black and white to color, from wall to canvas through ephemeral installations during artistic residencies, she expresses her love, respect, admiration for the Woman and all that she represents: strength, gentleness, courage and sometimes abnegation. Finally, it’s a bit of her that she offers to discover in her figurative works, making the spectator feel something. Like a proof of love, a tribute to the eternal feminine, creating an icon.

Artist in perpetual evolution for many years now, she inscribes with finesse and power her feeling on various supports, she likes to experiment and works today with new materials like wood and iron. Thanks to her numerous exhibitions and collaborations, she has been chosen by institutions in winning calls for projects from town halls such as the one of Toulouse, as well as by associations to supervise initiations to Urban Art.

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