France - paris
Born in 1973, JP MALOT aka Shoot the Bank is a street artist from Paris. He attended a school of art during two years when he was younger but quickly found the school too academic for his artistic expression. He then left the school and returned to his passion for spray painting and worked in decoration and fashion environments as well as frequenting the wastelands in Paris which were inescapable places at that time.
He has been influenced by the biggest graffiti artists during his teenage years (Steph, JonOne, Futura 2000) and by the books «Subway Art» and «Spray Can Art» in the 80s/90s. He was also attracted by the drawings of great masters and became passionate about the abstract work of Paul Jenkins and its colors while being completely part of the underground culture. His current influences are pop art, graphism, fashion and his trips abroad from which he brings back posters from the streets to use them in his work.
His techniques are mixed as he is used to combining collages, spray paints, stencils, markers, acrylics, drawings, screen prints or sculptures like his grenades in pop colors that are pasted up in the streets or his artworks. He also take different pseudonyms and symbols that serve as tags or signatures in order to mislead his followers, and to meet his need to hide himself while creating new concepts and sometimes enigmas for street art hunters. His work can be found in cities like Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Palma, Malaga, Marbella, Ibiza, Naples, London, Glasgow, Lagos, Edinburgh, Beijing, as well as among collectors of urban art in Los Angeles, Barcelona, London, Berlin, New York and Tokyo.
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