France - rodez
Léon aka BAULT paints figures that form the vocabulary of a new type of urban symbolic communication. Chimeras of the street corner, they evoke the polyphony of changing societies. Frenetic drawing with skillful interlacing, spot shadows and sprays, the style is unique. As one of the most original muralist artists on the Parisian scene, his numerous creations and collaborations make Bault a key figure of the place, a street art insider.
Bault paints in his studio, he seeks in the stripping of stains organized on raw supports significant occultism. On large canvases coated in matte black, he engraves, as on a school table, dreamlike landscape bodies. The painter's tools come to life, populating primitive masks where wood, torn paper, nails, close to an art brut/al that Bault discovered in Haiti. The economy of the media as well as of writing increases the efficiency of the perception of the essential signs of an anthropology of alteration. Tracing a path between contemporary primitive arts, Bault is an Outsider artist. Paradoxical and prolific through the diversity of his practices and territories of experimentation, Bault expresses himself in a wide variety of media and supports. He moves from the street to the studio and from the studio to the street, Insider and Outsider.
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